May 24, 2012

Mirror Mirror (mini review of movie)

new version of snow white stories

I have finished watch this movie just now, and I really like the story of mirror mirror :). Do you want to know why ? because this movie gave me some fascinating event and I feel so entertained after watching this movie :). Maybe u ask me, Snow white? yes this movie base on with "the snow white and the seven dwarfs" a famous fairy tale from europe.

Anyway the story in this movie opposite with the original story where there are no sleeping princess and glass choffin :). And for me, that make this movie be more interesting. Watching this movie make me laugh, happy and fun, moreover in the ending of scene the snow white singing and dancing like in the bollywood movie. First I feel confuse but after I know the director of mirror mirror, oooo I see hehehe.

Just for information, the director is Jarsem Singh Dhandwar, starring by Julia Roberts as the Queen and Lily Collins as The Snow White :). Btw I was enchanted with Lily Collins, she is very beautiful hehe. So if u like fairy tale or like watching the old animation of snow white and want to watch again, this is it that u need :).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

eh aku juga nonton film ini. sukaaa banget...ceweknya keren...cowoknya yg jadi pangeran juga ganteng..dan akting Julia robert sbg ibu tiri jahat juga bagus.