May 21, 2010

The Definition about PGCV Index

The PGCV index was a statistical equipment that often were used in the analysis of the marketing to measure the customer's satisfaction quantitatively. This method was still being linked with the Service Quality method (Servqual) and Quality Fungtion Deployment (QFD). According to Willard C. Hom (1997), the excess  PGCV index from QFD that is could provide quantitative input for the spectrum that was wide from the strategic analysis that involved the competitive analysis, the statistical model multivariate the continuation, or the specification of the design.

The analysis with the PGCV index involved also the level of the performance (performance) and the interests (Importance). So as with this method of having two important matters in servqual that could be measured that is:

A. The perception of the consumer (the customer) from the level of the interests/hope of a service.
B. The perception of the consumer (the customer) from the level of the performance/satisfaction of a service.

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