Jan 25, 2010

Formula of Validity

The formula of validity divided two  :

a). Corelation product moment with deviation

Note :

rxy = koefisien Corelation between variabel x and variabel y, two

variabel that was corelation (x = X-X dan y = Y-Y)

Σxy = amount multiplication x with y

X2 = kuadrat  x

Y2 = kuadrat  y

b). Corelation product moment with big scala

Note :

rxy = Coefisien Corelation between variabel x and variabel y, 2 variabel

was corelation.

# u can count validity with microsoft excel program (pearson formula)
# u can read about validity with this :
On the validity of the cosine projection in wind-driven rain calculations on buildings [An article from: Building and Environment]
The reliability and validity of tests;: Derivation and interpretation of fundamental formulae concerned with reliability and validity of tests and illustrative problems

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