1.Repeated Measure or measured repeated, responden will be offered the same question when that was different (a month again, then two months more et cetera), and afterwards was seen whether staying consistent with their answer.
2.One Shot or was measured just once. That only one measurement and afterwards results compared with results of the other question. In these chapter discussions, questionnaire reliability will be measured with One shot. Steps in the test reabilitas with one shot:
a.Determinan hypothesisb.Determinan r table
c. Looking r results
3. Took the decision:
a. If r Alpha positive and r Alpha > r the table, then the item or this variable of Reliabel.
b.If r Alpha positive and r Alpha < r the table, then the item or this variable not Reliabel.
@u can count the reliability with microsoft excel program (person formula)
@u could read about reliability at :
Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research Quantative Research Methods Series 1
Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research
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