Mar 2, 2010

Gratification Sought and Gratification Obtained

Many method that use to satisfaction measure, among others is measure audience satisfaction. For measure that we can use method GS (Gratification Sought) and GO (Gratification Obtained) that can be identified by comparing the satisfaction you want or expect (GS) and the satisfaction obtained (GO).

Gratification sought (GS) is sought or desired satisfaction of individuals when using any media.
Gratification Obtained (GO )is a real satisfaction that someone obtained after using a media.

Indicators used to measure sought gratification as well as indicators to measure the gratification obtained. That is a category of media consumption patterns according to Mc Quail (1994), among others, as follows:

1. Information (survellance), which is related motifs with the need for information, including:
- Getting news / information updates, current, and accurate
- Getting a new inspiration
- Excellent knowledge of rock music
- Learn about everything about the latest technology, music and flow, and how to get along.
- Obtain knowledge about the history, characteristics, and everything about the city of Surabaya

2. Personal identity (Personal identitiy), the motives which aims to strengthen or emphasize something important in life or circumstances relevant audiences, among others, include:
- Strengthen the identity of self (personality)
- Enhance understanding of ourselves
- Express themselves according to personality
- Expressing opinions or ideas as you wish

3. Integration and social interaction (personal relationship), the motive in respect of the continuity of the individual relationships with others, include:
- Share or share with someone else
- Discussions and get the right solution
- Having friends / new friends
- Reinforcement Silahturahmi

4. Entertainment (diversion), the motives concerning the need for the release of self-conscious pressure and the need for entertainment, among others:
- Charge time
- As a means of refreshing and relaxation
- Can be channeled hobby
- Increased motivation or spirit

The categories are measured using a Likert scale (scale of attitude). While to know the existence of this satisfaction is measured by looking at the gaps of the answers given respondents about what to expect (GS) and what is obtained (GO). The size of the satisfaction or not, can be seen from the following explanation:

a. If the mean score GS < GO, means there is the satisfaction of being acquired exceeds what is expected.
b. If the mean score GS = GO, means there is the satisfaction of the expected similar to that obtained, in other words all requirements are met.
c. If the mean score GS > GO, means there is no satisfaction for what is expected is not fulfilled or not as expected.

Ok i hope those useful for us add knowledge about GS and GO method. :)


nashr said...

hi,,guys, I have copied your article for my reference...

Unknown said...

it's oke bro :)