Jan 8, 2010

Electre Method

ELECTRE and Decision Support - Methods and Applications in Engineering and InfrastructureAn axiomatic approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM, I: The case of two categories [An article from: European Journal of Operational Research]The ELECTRE method was a part of MCDA (multi criteria decision-aid). Introduced the first time during 1966 by three French scholars (Benayoun, Roy and Sussman). The main intention from the ELECTRE method of being to choose alternative that was wanted that united two requirements from preference concordance on many evaluations with the competitor and preference discordance was supervised by many choices of the comparison.

The benefit of method electre was: the method that had the good performance that could be used as the decision-maker's implement that could be applied for the qualitative and quantitative criterion. The ELECTRE method more than only solution methods, this method was philosofi to help the taking of a decision. Useful for covered urband land and investment planning, fasility of  transport, the program environtment coveraged, etc.

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