Dec 15, 2009

Validity & Reability Test

The validity test could in defined as the measurement was as strong or accurate a gauge implement carried out the measured function. In this case when the validity of a variable was increasingly high, then this test increasingly concerning the target and increasingly showed what must demonstrated.

Reliabilitas was the index that showed how far the gauge implement could be believed or relied on. In this case reliability could be interpreted although the variable – the variable was in the questionnaire asked about to several different respondents then results will not deviate too far from level – level the respondent's answer for this variable. Therefore the test reliabilitas was carried out to know consistency or the stipulation in a gauge implement inside measured the same sign.

U can see the book about validity n reability :
Reliability and Validity Assessment (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Research (Qualitative Research Methods)Reliability and Validity in Neuropsychological Assessment Second Edition (Critical Issues In Neuropsychology)How to Measure Survey Reliability and Validity (Survey Kit, Vol 7)

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